marlene mountain
as is
1990s contents

[in progress]



a great pal c 1991/92

linked etc 8/98

nonspaces 8/17/98

1st person 8/20/98

rerights 8/22/98

limited person 8/22/98

just begun 8/23/98

i can say 8/23/98

a footnote 8/98

blind renga 1 9/15/98

more blind etc 9/23/98

book dates & publ info 9/27/98

rock n roll 12/18 & 20/98

create our own 12/21/98

true roots 12/23/98

annos note 12/27/98

projecting back12/28/98

tanka 12/18 & 20/98


1-line12/29/98 & 1/1/99


the kid1/2/99


patch 7/5/99

content from 7/5/99

just stuff 7/6/99

concepts 7/7/99

a link 7/8/99

of all 7/8/99

non-senryu 7/19/99

since women 7/21/99

blind renga 2 7/21/99

rules & regs 7/24/99

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