marlene mountain
intimate posters



(created and produced on a personal copier in the living room--whew!)

v = vertical; h = horizontal; a = 8.5x11; b = 17x11; a/b = size choice
suggested colors: lv=lavender, iv=ivory, pk=pink, gd=gold, ph=peach, tg=teal green
on blank line, write: quantity, size choice if optional


the great mad mother earth paintings plus a glad
____ 0101v-b mad earth one [malescholarshit]
____ 0102v-b mad earth two [powwar]
____ 0103v-b mad earth three [bureaucrazy]
____ 0104v-b mad earth four [naycheer]
____ 0105v-b mad earth five [grate reliegions]
____ 0106v-b mad earth six [big busyness]
____ 0107v-b mad earth seven [hequality]
____ 0108v-b glad earth [wom words]

____ lv 0201v-a/b iris/larger than the universe our shebeing ourselves
____ lv 0202v-a/b iris/in trusting myself another woman trusts herself
____ lv 0203v-a/b iris/when the divine is female female is divine
____ lv 0204v-a/b iris/hot night pushy for women our rights our rites our riots
____ ph 0205v-a/b flower/i can envision a matricentric world/from eartha out
____ ph 0206v-a/b flower/the maytreearchs snaked in spiralution with eartha in a sheinstant

____ ph 0301h-a triangle/leaves of autumn sisters of the world
____ lv 0302h-a triangle/solstice women gather unwrap the moon
____ ph 0303h-a sacred trees/solstice
____ ph 0304h-a shevinities/solstice she has always been
____ lv 0305h-a womocreativa, womsigns [celebration of passages]
____ lv 0306h-a witchmas, female: axe is for a/the time is ripe for...
____ 0307v-a/b star of ishtar/solstice
____ ph 0308v-a mountainscape/pagan cheers country dweller
____ lv 0309v-a triangle/able to choose heretic
____ iv 0310v-a moon/solstice solace goddess
____ gd 0311v-a fall equinox the spiralution is on
____ iv 0312v-a mountainscape/autumn i am drawn deeper inside
____ 0313h-a great goddess art gallery and pond

cunt series
____ lv 0401v-a/b cunt/to celebrate being born female to make up for never doing it
____ lv 0402v-a/b cunt/how little anyone knows what lurks in my woman-headed heart
____ lv 0403v-a/b cunt/don't know me less as i know myself more
____ lv 0404v-a/b cunt/radical: to get the root to get to deep femaleness
____ lv 0405v-a/b cunt/it's not just anger inside it's rage

woms et al
____ pk 0501v-a flowers/shesnickering shecackling sheriotously sherasing the herasers ah
____ ph 0502h-a line tree/i'm a pagan thank goddess
____ ph 0503h-a line trees/nature abhors a man-filled vacuum
____ lv 0504h-a seascape/to think to feel to be alone
____ pk 0505h-a mountains, moon/your talk of rose crystals the healing words of a woman
____ tg 0506h-a brush tree/people's right to no
____ tg 0507v-a brush trees/i think therefore i am pissed
____ lv 0508v-a moonscape/you can deny your anger but don't deny mine
____ lv 0509v-a moon/'taliswom' dance the stars as our moon appears...
____ 0510v-a trees, moon/not ready to hear a woman sing until i've heard her scream
____ 0511v-a figure/i am more radical than i look
____ lv 0512h-a chill bumps a woman singing to women
____ gd 0513h-a female/'ancient right' it is the right of all Women the rite of blood...
____ pk 0514v-a flower/what if i do say more than they want to hear
____ gd 0515v-a kid landscape/have a shevolutionary day!
____ lv 0516v-a moon, triangle/i look at my body and see nature
____ gd 0517v-a overwhelmed
____ ph 0518v-a door, entering temple of astarte
____ pk 0519v-a sacred tree, altar of crete/we call to her
____ ph 0520v-a printing press/why do you suppose she calls it malescholarshit
____ pk 0521v-a fern/'a dozen roses'
____ pk 0522v-a female: axe is for a/mid winter a good friend of a good friend with aids
____ iv 0523v-a dancers/our dance
____ pk 0524v-a clitoris
____ iv 0525v-a mountainscape/home alone yet unalone
____ gd 0526h-a mountainscape/'soft on nature' out of a backpack she lives...
____ iv 0527v-a moon, trees/'scattered light frost' painting and writing toward...
____ ph 0528v-a moon, triangle/reckless restless affirmation of shebeing
____ iv 0529v-a grid/as of now no burn out as of yet no burn out as of tonight...
____ tg 0530h-a trees, rocks/amerryca people living in cardboard boxes
____ tg 0531h-a bushes, rocks/free freedumb free freedom
____ ph 0532v-a flower/sometimes the need to admit a deep loneliness on this road

nature talks back
____ 0601v-a/b bird/leave my trees alone
____ ph 0602v-a/b sitting frog/i have already been told too many lies
____ lv 0603v-a/b tree/who me pissed
____ tg 0604v-a birds, tree/they've sat down and talked enough, tired of being offended...
____ lv 0605v-a/b heron/don't explain men to me again
____ ph 0606h-a leaping frog/spring morning a chemical spill summer afternoon a chem...
____ lv 0607h-a flowers, insects/universe love it or leave it
____ tg 0608v-a pines/acid rain less and less i am at one with nature less and less nature...
____ iv 0609v-a wings/manmade culture has deeply hurt us all
____ pk 0610v-a tall flower/i'll tell ya the system boys it ain't workin
____ iv 0611v-a hemlocks/nuclear winter (nuclear spring nuclear summer nuclear fall)
____ pk 0612v-a cat paws/have you heard the latest disinformation
____ iv 0613v-a waves, moon/i'm not asking i'm demanding
____ pk 0614h-a/b hermit crab/stop i've heard that shit before
____ lv 0615h-a butterfly/'logic' thank you god for telling our forefathers to kill...
____ gd 0616h-a ‘jungle'/it's not a jungle out here anymore 1970 a species lost each...
____ tg 0617h-a 'nature'/the world has come to
____ pk 0618v-a/b flower/i've yet to pour out my heart
____ gd 0619v-a landscape/remember when it was just litter?
____ iv 0620h-a 2 trees, 2 rocks/if you don't know by know i'm not gonna tell you
____ tg 0621h-a reeds/nature bashing oh yeah?
____ iv 0622v-a trees/'naycheer' global warming put that in seventeen syllables...
____ ph 0623v-a northern spotted owl/if i am if i am not if i am not me who is
____ ph 0624v-a crab/screwd
____ tg 0625v-a bird head/who says a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush?
____ tg 0626h-a tree/keep your claus off

____ 0701v-a figures one
____ 0702v-a figures two
____ 0703v-a figures three
____ 0704v-a figures four
____ 0705v-a figures five
____ 0706v-a figures six
____ 0707h-a female & male
____ 0708h-a beside themselves 1
____ 0709h-a beside themselves 2
____ 0710h-a beside themselves 3
____ 0711v-a two

e,h a
____ pk 0801v-a i chart labium
____ gd 0802v-a yoni/a symbol for the vulva in Indian/Tibetan religion Sanskrit: abode womb
____ gd 0803h-a moon/new moon renewing with her
____ iv 0804h-a moon/i'm glad your voice isn't calm
____ ph 0805h-a triangle/there is always a woman to reach
____ gd 0806h-a moon/even as winter set in your anger made sense
____ gd 0807v-a flower/'this woman sings no blues'...
____ ph 0808v-a triangle/we are more than one half of the world
____ ph 0809h-a well, just who the hell do you think fucked it up, caterpillars
____ gd 0810h-a find out

crone series
____ lv 0901v-a age rage courage
____ pk 0902v-a jesus/'i have come to destroy the works of the female'...
____ lv 0903v-a why are unangry women angry with angry women
____ tg 0904v-a jesus/'backroom politics' simon peter:let mary leave us...
____ 0905v-a female/i believe in inequality woms are superior
____ pk 0906v-a female/i trust myself; 'patriarchalbullshit 2 overviews'...
____ tg 0907v-a clover/why i want to know have there been no great men
____ pk 0908v-a female/shape up or i'll burn a triangle in your yard
____ pk 0909v-a female/of course there's women's art you dummy
____ pk 0910v-a female/i don't view the world through male-colored glasses
____ pk 0911v-a female/you've not heard though inside the words
____ ph 0912v-a/b cunt/to empower women including myself
____ ph 0913v-a/b cunt/to go to be beyond my raising
____ ph 0914v-a/b cunt/croned-off
____ ph 0915v-a/b cunt/stridensee
____ ph 0916v-a/b cunt/__married __single __divorced __widowed X other
____ ph 0917v-a figure/as nature we move into no blood into our deep rebirth
____ gd 0918v-a rocks/artistic expression if it's nice and/or helms can suck up to it
____ Iv 0919v-a splash/i've freed haiku from that fuckin sound of water
____ iv 0920h-a mm/i'd say more if you'd ask maybe

a woman's non-commemorative stamp collection
____iv 1001v-a 6c rape-monument/usa rape the most frequently committed violent crime
____iv 1002v-a 3c under god-thumb/usa
____iv 1003h-a 5c wages-guess who earns more money parking lot attendant secretary

cross words
____ 1101h-b 13 cross word paintings/names women are called, etc


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