marlene mountainpainting series since 1979
[in progress]
1) '39'
February-May 1979
[39 paintings 18" x 24"].
2) 'moon peaces : earth peaces'
August-December 1979
[39 paintings 18" x 24" 1 painting 48" x 36"].
3) 'cave paintings'
January-August 1980
[40 paintings 18 x 24" and 24 x 24" some with attachments].
4) 'working mother's painting series'
September-October 1980
[30 paintings, 18 x 24"; a painting a day for a month, ranging from 2 minutes to an hour].
5) 'orange language paintings'
September-October 1980
(8 paintings, 18 x24").
6) 'home paintings'
October 1980-August 1981
(23 paintings, 18 x 24").
7) 'red and white and pink'
February-March 1981
(5 paintings, 18 x 24")
8) 'windows'
December 1981
(2 paintings w/curtains, rods, locks, canvas, wood, size unavailable).
[in progress]
9) 'ERA paintings'
April-June 1982 (9 paintings, size unavailable)10) 'painted women poems'
June 1982 (37 paintings, glass shelves)11) 'the Other'
November1982-June1983 (29 paintings, 34" across/diamond [2 x 2'])12) 'in circles toward healing: visions, down times, affirmations, journeys'
July-October 1983 (16 paintings, 24 x 24")13) 'female: axe is for a'
December 1983-March 1984 (28 paintings, 34" across/triangle, 24" tapering down)14) 'a woman's non-commemorative stamp collection'
July 1984-April 1985 (16 paintings, 24 x 36")15) 'cross words'
August 1985 (13 paintings, 24 x 24")
deep home
November 1985 (a 1-painting painting series, 48 x 48")16) 'she is one and she is two: signs from the ancient'
August-September 1986 (16 paintings 25" across/octagons, 15 small triangular paintings)17) 'the great mad mother earths plus a glad'
September 1987-August 1988 (7 mads 48 x 36," 1 glad 68" across/diamond [4 x 4'])18) 'womocreativa'
August 1989 (5 paintings, 48" across/triangles, 78" tapering down; haiku on each translated into female shapes)19) 'chaoscoswommos'
September 1990 (4 paintings, 48" across/circles; haiku on each translated into my 'female: axe is for a' alphabet)20) 'home away from home'
September-October 1991 (5 paintings, w/curtains, rods, locks, dolls, 96 x 48"; haiku in 3" letters)21) 'femail boxes and junk male'
August-September 1992 (24 paintings, 48 x 24"; paintings on front & back, hinged in pairs for standing; 1 w/rusty barbed-wire) tears outs relating to paintings22) 'birdy the topless neolithic bird shevinity'
August-September 1993 (70 works on 11 x 17" paper; collage with acrylic, crayon, ink)23) 'wreckcreation' (find-your-own haibun)
July-September 1997 (8 paintings, 48 x 48")
24) heart is
February-December 2001 & January-December 2002 (computer paintings)25) way back
January-February 2004 (4 computer painting)
26) whatever
February-April 2004 (computer painting)
[acrylic on masonite through 1986 unless specified; on wood panel to present; # 20 & 21 acrylic and exterior paint]back to 'main contents'
images for this presentation were obtained from slightly damaged slides/photographs of the original art
© Marlene Mountain
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