marlene mountain


other rens

one-line linked haiku

marlene mountain and francine porad
and kris kondo


other rens [book one] 2000
about the format {see below}
statements by the poets/artists
about the poets

other rens book two & book three [one volume] 2000
about the format
comments {see below}

trio of wrens 2000
foreword dennis h dutton
the wrens
'books received' frogpond


mm's book dedications:
other rens
g craig hobbs
other rens book two & book three
the 'hard to find' gallery--
the stimulating years and friends
trio of wrens
jan bostok, wanda harris, dorothy howard, hal roth

books info

[in manuscript]

other rens book five & book six

other rens book seven

other rens
book eight

other rens book nine

other rens book ten

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