marlene mountain
as is
january 2002
prisoner of patriarchy the discovery
i call it the nondiscovery channel which still projects back the old european
concepts [especially victorian, incorporating the late egyptian/greek/hebrew/et
al religions which further transformed/turned upside-down cultures culminating
with 'the church's' outright hatred of females with such concepts as 'vagina
dentata']. mistaken concepts projected on what were probably matristic cultures.
in my thinking overreaction to the knowledge of paternity is the real 'neolithic
revolution' [agriculture and animal breeding merely some results]. overreaction
with 'hey it's mine' ['isn't it?'] usurped the natural matrilineal 'order'
ie mother/child . her clan. the kind of paternity which breeds patriarchy.
the world's only revolution. which led to the development of 'male creation
gods' to reinforce the new concepts [a word derived from semen/sperm] of males
birthing everything. duh. womb-envy it's politely called. male-birthers--that's
it in a nutshell.
ah the stuff of very good bad haiku. let them write their good haiku i always
like to say.
the programs i can't watch:
after nature reeks havoc the alpha males passes on his genes thru his harem
[nothing ever mentioned of females passing on theirs or that a tribe of females
will only put up with 1 bragging stud. of course nature is continually victimizing
nature when one creature merely breakfasts on another or a natural tornado
etc happens along.]
brutish neanderthals with larger brains die from a toolkit smaller than 'ours'
[took them including females quite a long time to die out if indeed they really
did. hooray for limited toolkits and for those 'digging sticks' which females
apparently used to provide food for some 200,000 years. i think.]
mr senryu like god's dead
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