marlene mountain
one-line linked haiku


marlene mountain   adele kenny

one-line linked haiku one    november 1984-september 1987
(6/6/6/6/6/6 pattern)

to protest to protest

hungry to talk with a woman to protest to protest in haiku
burning poems about him the feathers of crows
in men's jeans i head home knowing i've been ripped off again
sick of Cinderella I'd rather be riding this broom
insistent the new york times miss steinem of ms. magazine
Merlin's power was taken by a woman

'Forget it,' I tell him, no more pulling the wool
god damn testicles of god he carries
dreaming of boat people alone in a queen-sized bed
after her story the refugee cries
waking me at 8 the Jehovah's Witness wearing mud on her shoes
free of master of masterpiece

when i think of sex now she says i think of women
rain all day this headache behind my eyes
police shoot into a crowd of mourners police shoot into
inside the time bomb the bloodbeat beat goes on
russian bullshit/propaganda in it at least there's hope
nuclear threat the toilet bowl backs up again

HEADLINE: the former porn star has intercourse with aliens
send him back to hollywood to pretend nice guy
falling apart the storyline can't make the myth fit
a link african aids and infibulation
no shit, Chicken Little, the sky really is falling
$18 billion to save our water if it can be done

not ready to hear a woman sing until i've heard her scream
whistling in tune the princess, a pea between her teeth
his sentence interrupted we don't like to be called ladies
signing off I use my own name
fearing her and all women he rapes her and all women
questioning the ones who make up the rules

still looking but convinced there's no safe place on planet Earth
each day each night losing my patriarchal mind
stubborn this new refusal to listen to old arguments
within woman only power to reshape the world
despite the critics changing history with 'herstory'
fall equinox the spiralution is on


the times has since changed its policy regarding 'ms.'--perhaps haiku
can make a difference

Wind Chimes #23

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