marlene mountain
one-line haiku sequence


probably 'real' renga sorta

      marlene mountain    francine porad       

one-line linked haiku 10   march 14-19 2002

did dubya say

did dubya say bin could run but not hide or hide but not run
Afghans advised to sleep with one eye open
an ear to the sweet ground as nuke talk flies through the air
snowflakes just starting to fall
mushy haiku for the old editor who'd probably say not quite
'will consider new material with a fresh eye'

'on the offensive' can be offensive depends on one's point of view
taped to the door of the 'run-in' photos of dead deer
from different countries but looking the same anguished women
full of themselves two men shake hands
mission of envoy Zinni...for artists the journey is the destination
down the slick road backwards until tomorrow maybe
St. Patrick's Day at the theater Irish dancers' precision tapping
what's left of the sun on what's left of colored shirts
mail pickup service down to one a day my car alone on the street
i've nothing new to say but slower at it
on my mind Palestinian children filled with the disease of hate
spooky how gods showed up

true to form after the yellow crocuses a bunch of purples
so many hues and shades in the box of pastels
the tone of his speech borders on stupidity no doubt re the rest
try reading AOL International News Message Boards
back to capitalized nature if the rain weren't so capitalized
bare branches cast long shadows
too early thoughts of hot pepper seeds in a napkin somewhere
at least one cockle of my heart warmed
feuding brothers more to feud about as one wants to build a bridge
Jeff and Jay like as well as love each other
my least favorite errand to leave the land for any reason
paradox of wanderlust and wanting to stay home

just learned 'I' own Bush, the U. S. government, media and movies
don't want a pardon but how 'bout a loan
yours for the asking I like to help people realize their dreams
'operation candyman' a pack of pedophiles busted
torn into smaller and smaller pieces the concept of one world
neat and clean again before reptiles and females

Lynx 17:3 2002

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