marlene mountain
one-line linked haiku
marlene mountain anne mckay
one-line linked haiku december 1996-august 1998
gravity flow
(alternate 6/12/12/6)
as mary's daughter we'd roam all of
africa for mother bones
and me still caught on the edge of metaphor
poor basho his translated haiku used against us against him
we are singing shall we endure
'i've never told you you're a whore what do you think of that'
nobody waved goodbye
these childhoods lost in linens and lies
easterweek the littlecult & the bigcult
so close the living the dying lilies in a blue bowl
no clinical term for how i think in my room
newsflash 5am possible intelligent life on this planet
an explanation of humanity to the mortgage lender
weighing carefully his pound of flesh pale perfume
if there was the big bang and no one heard it . . .
bright illusions wait and wander under streetcafe umbrellas
pot-bellied pig and i agent orange reign
with flutes from a far country this intermezzo
lst online search anarchy atheism art haiku
even now the dark pod of his coffin with bread and salt
drs' creed 'first do' you have patriarchal insurance
dear cloner here's a hair please send several of me for parts
'something wicked this way comes'
'bill and i have been accused of everything including murder'
no southern comfort at the corner store
can't wait for nature's spring not the haiku spring of poets
to the stillwhite wood searching a maypole
'the best way to take care of a river is to stay out of it'
slipping her mooring the red rowboat
what's left of the maple beneath the power line with leaves
taproot deep and dreaming
gravity flow from pond to garden a newt spurts from the hose
little gobetween
hear no evil see no evil speak no evil
neither would go to school or church
caught in the nave sparrow resting with our lady of sorrows
softly softly the cunning assassin
1m) mary leakey 1913-1996 16m) after mm 23m) hillary clinton
27m) bill yambert
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