marlene mountain
one-line linked haiku
november 11 1997-november 28 2002


carlos colon  sue stanford  alex benedict  alexis k rotella
john sheirer  fay aoyagi  jeanne cassler  marlene mountain  
zane parks  rosa clement  alice benedict

one-line linked haiku

ninety-nine bottles

1cc  eleven-member renga ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall
2ss  the kids in the bus sing another round
3ahb  from the hog's back a better view
4akr  turkey sandwich locked in the armored truck
5js  holiday dinner sparkling cider for the alcoholic uncle
6fa  slipped out to the darkness a parlor maid
7jc  last night's costume party secrets swept under the rug
8mm  here don my name on the internet boo
9zp  whooooooooooooo quoth the hoot owl evermore
10rc  snake on dying vines unseen, not even by attentive eyes
11abb  stockholders' meeting question period canceled

12cc  taking a page from 'robert's rules of order' rrrip
13ss  a silent name mottled with lichen
14ahb  on a stump in sunlight witch's butter quivers
15akr  a tree toad's perfect eye make up
16js  silk gloves cover the prom king's hand warts
17fa  no murder tonight oriental express
18jc  fast food a daily diet death sentence
19mm  cnn breaking news cnn breaking leaks cnn breaking rumors
20zp  zen exercise putting together a pieceless puzzle
21rc  concentration while mending grandma's broken chinese vase
22abb  mid-life she acts innocent anyway

23cc  hormone imbalance the Flying Wallendas without a net
24ss  dolphin safe what to say to ET
25ahb  a new initiative the rear guard advances
26akr  grape vine she didn't expect it to move so fast
27js  another day's depression broken by the weeping willow
28fa  each corner of a mah-jong table former POWs
29jc  in the bedroom mirror a scar he never knew she had
30mm  i can take renga out of japan and japan out of renga
31zp  cookies broken we swap fortunes
32rc  street man brings the bread, the old dog wags its tail
33abb  new bee dance not much different

34cc  from my penny loafers two nickels for the pay phone
35ss  dime store pearls bounce with each step
36ahb  tattoo on her pinkie he wonders where else
37akr  where the sun don't shine a cigar
38fa intelligent dish washer diagnoses its problem
39jc Saturday morning chores divided between siblings
40mm  clans regions religions a woman gang-raped
41zp  in the corner the class bully wearing a dunce cap
42rc  on the farm, the children like to pat the black sheep
43abb  Snake River wind empties a paper packet of mandala sand

44cc  birdwatcher taking a tern for the worse
45ss  brief summer night a jet follows the last eclipse before 2000
46ahb  placated he leaves a tip
47fa  in Las Vegas Buddha lost then Jesus lost
48jc  the one-armed bandit meets the one-eyed jack
49mm  disappointment we beer drinkers unable to walk the lines


[in progress to post]


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