marlene mountain
one-line linked haiku
mm links
[w/anne mckay]
one-line linked haiku one june 1986-august 1988
our rights our rites
hot night pushy for women our rights
our rites our riots
i was fortyfive before i heard of matilda joslyn gage
the world based on a lie i paint what i want to paint
my art my life hidden from mother
hisstory of pricktriarchy on the liebrary shelves
after oral sex speechless
more than 'mothers daughters wives'
mammogram put off i break dead limbs for kindling
when the divine was female female was divine
at work toward being a grinch who will really really steal it
'for nothin left to lose' where were we when janis joplin died
major in painting he said you'll just get married anyway
to know too many sad and bad things humans do to huwoms
unable to help and now a microphone of paranoia in her mouth
shesnickering shecackling sheriotously sherasing the herasers ah
no blood for 3 months now even more the crone
in trusting myself another woman trusts herself
reckless restless affirmation of shebeing
Wind Chimes #27
one-line linked haiku two october
1989-december 1990
bring a candle
sometimes the need to admit a deep loneliness on this road
to celebrate being born female to make up for never doing it
multiple orgasms in color as catherine takes
still trying to say the spark's gone
out already it's solstice
all or nothing the courage it takes to face my own writing
35 years of creativity insanity within sanity within insanity
i expect from women what they don't seem to expect from themselves
as nature we move into no blood into our
deep rebirth
rain on rain a 'great mad mother' seeps into pretty pink paper
i say don't to her journalism major a life
of cocktemplation
best i can do perceived moments through crone eyes
1970 a species lost each day 1990 each hour
much of my mind pours out to a japanese male
chaoscoswommos: from my womwomb i give you
yourselves womocreativa
yes but woman was not anon is not anon and will not be anon
the dream to get back home to wake and know i was never there
even a little shevolution a dangerous thing
womolithic art in matrilogical times
6m) 'beauty and the beast'
Lynx autumn 1991
one-line linked haiku three january 1991-july 1992
this covenant
smart--pricktriotic father phallic--bombs
less able to run ridges to venture another oh no
'our' faraway anne in blue writing has she a hidden red ribbon
old painting i still hug the moon her arms still silver around me
unsolicited 'guru' sends his deep answers to stuff i long ago stuffed
i never see women like me on the news with female solutions
we laugh so hard she pees in her pants and runs home 35 years ago
life not so gentle and now this autumn night
a wish unable to happen or just waiting to happen
they want me to write what we already know
a woman's mind how wonderful for you and me
her anger validated she leaves the room with a smile
words from my cunt
any 'weeping duty' can be kissed awakened aroused by a prince
all fool's day enough pain now that i can begin to sell it
the new stress from trying not to do a hundred things at once
4m) libana
Lynx 8:2 1993
[mistakes corrected on later separate sheet]
one-line linked haiku four
a letting of light
here 21 years most of the painful memories gone
no autumn moon still stuck inside rewriting
instead of women and minorities we could say everyone but white men
alaskan governor hickel: you can't just let nature run wild
hey usa/can bosses: japanese haiku spirit/rules experiment over mov'em out
with babygrandson let's rocknroll & here's mm's radicalfeministstuff
penis: tail (look it up) tail: 5b female sexual partner usu. cons. vulgar
mary daly wild cat and cow--the cow--jump over the moon: outercourse
on recipe page: life as a single more appealing to older women
i'm waiting for a radical feminist atheist president
only one earth day
madly in love with 'magical breasts' of bird goddess
i doubt we'll live to see nature rebirth herself
by make america female again i mean indigenous maytreearchy
first known poet enheduanna in cuneiform
her praises to inanna
yet another woman becoming aware of sexual abuse as a child
will: only pull the plug if i've lost my artistically perverse mind
28m) reagan: make america a man again 31m) sumer (mesopotamia), c.
2300 b.c.e.
9:1 1994
one-line linked haiku five january 1995-june 1996
chimps like us do you suppose chimps in cages like us
she lives on in vials swatches and bruised photographs
365 minus earth day equals 364 non-earth days maybe 365
baby not locked in wed nor she
streisand: the artist as citizen
widow's benefits something from him after all
plant bulbs three times their diameter
wind knocks out the color tv
land for war land for peace stolen from nature
out west wolves reintroduced a sign reads
predator friendly
more than real mare of the night sacred in shetimes
mad o'hair--on tape she sends everyone to hell--now missing
undercover investigation 'bottoms up' topless dancers pinched
'good taste is the death of art' 'what's on the 6 o'clock news'
international women's day can men liberate themselves from men
a heyecoot i wouldn't survive without sheku
3m) jane goodall 6m) adrienne rich 27m) truman capote/garth brooks
Raw Nervz Haiku 4:2 1997
one-line linked haiku six december 1996-august 1998
gravity flow
as mary's daughter we'd roam all of
africa for mother bones
poor basho his translated haiku used against us against him
'i've never told you you're a whore what do you think of that'
easterweek the littlecult & the bigcult
no clinical term for how i think in my room
an explanation of humanity to the mortgage lender
if there was the big bang and no one heard it . . .
pot-bellied pig and i agent orange reign
lst online search anarchy atheism art haiku
drsŐ creed 'first do' you have patriarchal insurance
dear cloner here's a hair please send several of me for parts
'bill and i have been accused of everything including murder'
can't wait for nature's spring not the haiku spring of poets
'the best way to take care of a river is to stay out of it'
what's left of the maple beneath the power line with leaves
gravity flow from pond to garden a newt spurts from the hose
neither would go to school or church
1m) mary leakey 1913-1996 16m) after mm 23m) hillary clinton
27m) bill yambert
one-line linked haiku seven c february 1999-2001 ---?
trick or treat
(alternate 6/12/12/6)
i no longer remember the intensity of typed poems
well just who created the tornado god or nature
ditch left by a backhoe a mosquito pond with frogs
won't see the fruits of my labor so it's labor i've chosen to love
big agribusiness another farm family goes to pot before going bust
july armstrongs: moon anniversary cancer to bike win beheaded
'animal farm' on the tube napoleon's way-too-wet-for-a-pig nose
stuck at the mac with old poems only half of autumn passes me by
home safely at dusk past virgin and one-hump camel cut-outs
on the cool earth on a cold day yet warmed
unable to think on paper great blue and i
picked up not dusted off when i leave the garden
war and hate a world of misdefined spaces
partisan passions now the 'hidden undervote' in florida
the plot thickens the reward thickens 'the texas 7'
tv movies & email haiku a mind snowed in along with the rest of me
i love to see dirt on people much more than salt of the sea
notes: 11m) neil, lance, joie
one-line linked haiku/mm'
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