marlene mountain
one-line linked haiku
mm links
[6 w/michelle v. lohnes]


one-line linked haiku one   september 4-october 21 1998

i find oneline and you

online to find myself i find oneline and you
down in the dirt tangential art in a long rectangle
before it hits everyone tired of the hurricane's name
who gets to smoke the cigar and which end
the blues even my 'healing garden' blue
hardly odd no sighting of a big wild hairy female
24hournewscycle a couple of questions over&over
ancient intent in my body art of my female spirit
neglected the wood stove no longer
wind under the patched roof its green its silver its rust
gathered in a jar for an artist seeds of spider plants
rumors of scattered frost nonred tomatoes soup up the soup
on pain medication she tries to explain what kind of cancer
surrounded by my past no room in this tiny room for today
now they're gay about the brutal murder of gay matthew
the media hang around to ask how did you feel
snug within nature's shevolution
recovered wetland & i wait for herons


one-line linked haiku two    october 23-december 23 1998

underside of a ladybug

the need to think in female red won't let go
first-grade pictures a tongue-tied kigo
up late with a creative creature miles away
file edit mailbox message transfer special window help
nature conservancy thoughts of o henry & my love land
ego as a mummy the time to gather the rusty dusty agos
13th link on 31st day the mailbox already struck down
can a shuttle intercept his remains headed for my moon
janet jackson: free your ass and your mind will follow
adult haiku will it ever catch on
back home from a flu shot & errands my body shot
vast wrongwingers to lucianne to linda to monica
with no devil what's in the details
bottled up in boxes thousands of esoteric wanderings
face-to-face i'm full of flaws
skin & bones the freak show of international meanies & us
lucky again something i write rejected by a little magazine
impeachy probably the president's penis will be subpoenaed

15m) eugene shoemaker on lunar prospector

one-line linked haiku three   january 4-march 26 1999

on the moon

'gross insensitivity to beliefs . . human remains on the moon'
jagged things appear in the snow that hangs around the shed
a thin pane of nothing between birds at the feeder and me
possums on the tin roof trash bags i thought safe
millennium smillennium
'teen-age mom barred' from honor society
bible-inspired web site fake blood & hit-list
wallpaper music tonight its emotional tug
afternoon nap the guilt of cozy quilts
short-term memory loss fuses with middle-term memory loss
older than 'lucy' of course the dig-guys hope it's a guy
when 'long tall sally' was in i still can't dance a lick
'two brides 97 ministers in lesbian protest wedding' 68 & 63
whatever it hides the sales pitch is 'not from concentrate'
'honor killing' her brother proud he did it ashamed of her
massive systems crash fixed humbled now by chills
fragmented mind some spots of green in ungreen spots
whether flowers bloom the odor of earth in my ears

1m) navajo president albert hale and mm 29m) incident in pakistan

The Art of Haiku 2000

one-line linked haiku four   april 4-may 5 1999

stretch toward morning

winter not an illness but a spring day quite a cure
i love the mulch just as much as what comes up in it
repetitive war talk the screaming child screams
heart of ancient she-defined culture pleas to a made-up male
the wind has turned cold i'd rather rake than clean a floor
too soon wrist pain about to call the mouse 'you dirty rat'
this morning the dangling mailbox door no longer dangling
train whistle in the next county just to stay home forever
something sniffed the rescue squad leaves the coroner arrives
toughest roots to dig out saved for their beauty
seeds only for the songbirds is that crow confused
littered with snow and swat teams a campus of teens
fake wrestling real testosterone big bucks and drugs
called alternative medicine oldest ways of healing
a cool damp day a cold damp night
if ufo's don't exist can ufo haiku be written and published
garden plants a lilac bush a box of donuts for mother's day
unwanting me to be human social security nabs my tiny interest


one-line linked haiku five   may 7-17 1999

around a tree

rescuer: baby curled around a tree her little face in the mud
company coming no idea how a clean-up begins in such crone digs
in a wrinkled shirt with a couple of buttons the new bamboo
the thousands on borders who live in tents if 'lucky'
kids with several mothers fathers grandparents and halves
her voice harsher as she cuts back on prozac
run-down both my squeaky pickup and its owner
just that a fleeting idea for a painting series
transplanted may apple semi-guilt
what i wanted yesterday all i can find in today's rummagings
every detail exploited for ratings 'wounded student update'
indifference to an editor's yes/no the poem already written
the pond rain-clean a warm-bodied timidity keeps me on edge
hey 'potatoe' guy do your family values thing in a spelling bee
i forget this is the information age forget to search the web
old story dumb dumber dumbest running the world
nature just nature vs competition as -ologies preach
the heat clothes huddled on the washer drying


one-line linked haiku six      may 17-september 5 1999

hollow behind bare knees

so far the transplanteds have taken
in the old days i wrote miss you poems
anger because his hero lost the game
creativity of marilyn manson blamed by creationists
have yet to see the techno-effects of the first 'star wars'
afternoon nap now disoriented and that odd feeling of guilt
hopelessly intertwined america's violence and press freedom
in the little-bitty mosquito pond five little frogs so far
braces on my private teeth to please a never-pleased parent
alleyways dumps anything rusty catches my fancy
first watermelon of spring unseasonably cold
no jail for fagan a 'napper of daughters
his books my books our books untouched alike
investment ad: her time horizon had lengthened
french open the wind the third player
my reflexes slower than winter solstice in a woman's year
'pbs' pr: if we won't do it who will mm pr: i'm trying
but this fall a desire to fall for fall flowers and fall dirt

one-line linked haiku seven    november 14 1999-october 21 2001


official papers jail if necessary
perhaps a 'winter of our' content
'so now we are 7' a grinning samurai
my heart not in it still i win again at solitaire
ice crystals a fragment of haiku all that's necessary
in the sweatshirt she's yet to break into a sweat
deep into the earth which he was unable to understand
a cold snap spring slows down we wait for a warm snap
the intensity of troubles swept away each bud of spring
what is it about getting old or is it just me
friends bring love into a place of dust & disorder
house spider floats a few inches down the sun
a breath of fresh air fewer places it can be said
early morning coffee instant weather on tv
everything turns into humidity
toward morning i give an impromptu giggleshop on haiku
after the rain more rain stakes outgrow the tomato plants
with less to say now harder to begin where sense is made

2m marchers with jesse jackson


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