marlene mountain
one-line haiku sequence
june 3-4 1986



shall not be discriminated against
on account of age sex color
race religion national origin handicap
what about politics art

surveillance up 700% last 3-4 years
i want to say more than i say
up front overt candid free right now why not
'well founded fear of persecution'

don't know that i can survive women's art/male world
banned in boston by meese & co
don't know that i can survive male world/women's art
fucked over by printers too

martin luther king jr and the fbi
john lennon and the fbi
old and new left and the fbi
samantha smith and the fbi

never know that a painting/poem will appear
sometimes the dry spell
sometimes the fear of physical immobility
surely not in jail on toilet paper


Wind Chimes #20 1987


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