marlene mountain
one-line haiku sequences
pissed off poems and cross words
these are antiterror terrorists & those are . . .
peace ship bombed
clean environment thinking men peace
that's what we want sigmund
you're right (for a change) it is a lot to ask
i'm not asking i'm demanding
free country
acid rain less and less i am at one with nature*
boone lake 'keep out'
garden of eden's apples safer than america's apples
here a leak there a spill everywhere a . . .
unlove canal
*less and less nature is nature
not far enough daddy
which junk to put inside before love
bunch of mad scientists
parts of my private body named after men
then there's the lie about eve
100 years ago we weren't people
not an ode to haiku
no intentional poetic devices in my poems
sure i know what kind of haiku sells
there're always those who mess up the going thing
art of course has no rules to break
spring morning a chemical spill
summer afternoon a chemical spill
autumn evening a chemical spill
winter night a chemical spill
passive resistance
haiku is not my tearoom
my tearoom is my tearoom
if i had one
i refuse to be denied content
spiritual well being
i've xrated the churches mosques temples
must be 21 to enter
[ ]
coretta: he never once mentioned women's oppression
coretta: he never once mentioned women's oppression
coretta: he never once mentioned women's oppression
coretta: he never once mentioned women's oppression
coretta: he never once mentioned women's oppression
with your guns & drums and drums & guns
without your leg & arm and head &
holy war huh?
french govt 'routine nuclear explosion'
a dove falls a hawk falls
pissed off poems and cross words self-published 1986
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