marlene mountain
one-line haiku in magazines 4

raw nervz haiku
dorothy howard, editor

well there goes the year of the woman whatever that meant
are you or have you ever been
money belt but heck no money and too much waist
neglected the birds neglected
the haiku spirit snarls through his narrow-minded lips
his dead-beat dad now dead
spring's cum
are you who you eat
it didn't mean anything he says about the other woman
'can't we all just get along' can't we all just write our own*
she speaks of her pain all of of the windows up
news of a new journal raw nervz haiku new moon

*rodney king

1:1 1994

angry again partially hydrogenated vegetable oil
the corn's up in america 200000 cases of stalking each year
food chain in or on the fridge
'i love her' 'if i can't have her nobody can' 'to death'
another hot night another hot poem i didn't intend to write
oops i'm forgetting to nod and smile as he talks
poison ivy and i at one with nature
radical--at the root, rootical--feminist but not always that sharp
what man has joined together let mother nature put asunder
she's glad his hemorrhoids don't need surgery
swimsuit issue
ms. and ms what a fuckin difference a dot can make
whatta day whatta week whatta month whatta year whatta life
memory does it just disappear into thin ozone

1:2 1994

the corn's up in america 200000 cases of stalking each year
another hot night another hot poem i didn't intend to write
ms. and ms what a fuckin difference a dot can make

1:3 1994

she speaks of her pain all of the windows up

2:1 1995

i'm sick i'm just not in love
back from the market the broom cholesterol and fat-free
spring summer fall winter not one radical painting

2:2 1995

nuclear winter (nuclear spring nuclear summer nuclear fall)

2:4 1995-96

spring in america water unsafe food unsafe sex unsafe
our parting the moon draws me in
scratched into the moon shadows of the moon
morning the quarter hits bottom in the parking meter

3:1 1996

see turtles in trouble through the earth and sea
who gives this woman in marriage to live in abuse
a dirty business but someone has to be mother nature

3:2 1996

autumn evening the dust heavier now on his books
still the taste of your laugh between my teeth
leaves fall i need nothing you touch me
back home i find my shape in the old couch
fearing her and all women he rapes her and all women
icy rain drawing the man within

3:3 1996

peace pro cess pool
flea market his only hand holding hers
live tv coverage of death
between me and my personal mother nature
'just say no to' rape
cicada day turns into katydid night
degrade her 'and they will' cum
between felling tress the crew's anger at no raises
he's gone off half-cocked to buy a gun or a 'girl'

3:4 1996-97

poem through the typewriter
four panes of glass the long night
the long night i cut my short nails shorter
revising a senryu toothpicking
old haikuists never die they just fade the way *
rocks sliding a yellow violet
again behind the vacant cabin garlic shoots
pushing hair behind my ears spring woods
cold day a bicycle leans against a pet shop

4:1 1997 [*correction 4:3]

hitchhiker cars that passed on his face
child loving the stray cat while it strays
mountainhanging sky

4:4 1997-98

black snake in the hen house swallowing a rat
pig and i spring rain
muddy mountain road sun splattered
paper crooked into the typewriter spring morning
crunching ice like bugs bunny carrots spring
a worker returns home evening dew
a stretch for the fartherest flower in the breeze cooling
what has curled itself into this leaf?
under blue sky blues

5:1 1998

one fly everywhere the heat
telling my child to play elsewhere the heat
summer beneath my breasts

5:2 1998

dim shape of a bird's nest autumn sky
my body no longer firm  mountain haze
flowers in a vase dry with autumn
winter shopping choosing the green toilet paper
said cold as hell not meaning to lie
winter night sneezing through the weather forecast

5:4 1998-99

beside the seed rack thumbed pages of the girlie mags
pregnant she studies the face of her husband
old turtle pushes her shadow to sea

6:1 1999

even in spring underlying melancholy
my son turns into a hamburger the heat
my son the age sons get killed

7:1 spring

power outage tonight under the covers by flashlight raw nervz haiku

7:1 summer

off and on i've thought of you off and on
i do not cry yet the ish-ish of our moon
even in spring underlying melancholy

8:1 2002

a number of the one-lines in other magazines

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