marlene mountain
one-line haiku
recent links


gathered october

20 recent links:
about to leave a monarch lands within the patch of asters
hurricane lily just a nature thing degraded
hunting season beyond the hollow finally no more cucumbers
gathered around the overturned semi other semis
'living in sin' & cardboard boxes a country of illegal white collars
over the old bridge after a few hours of concrete
a tick's free ride into the house perhaps just to tick me off
haiku in prose but someone afraid of prose in haiku
exposed waterline in the branch a personal 'kigo' awaits burial
the past misunderstood a favorite pastime of 'scholars'
slow-down in the garden patches as sleeves grow longer
a wait-and-see attitude toward yesterday
a light rain with a heavy rain to follow as poverty increases
life will be better once all the black gold's ill-gotten
the blues talk of urban warfare heats up the evening cool
gone to his head with plenty of room dubya's egomania
piece by piece moisture begins in the night for things of the night
i hoard the dirt mother nature and i recreate
off the top of my head a string of words thrown into space
another coffee and ready to do nothing

18 recent links:
thinner puddles in the road still frogs leap out of the way
from a distance the fog closes in
leaves raked into baskets for who knows what will come of them
only somewhere between dirt poor and dirt rich
'glamorous' liquor ads back on tv aids patients banned from pot
sometimes still in love with the man i painted beside
toward the patches old truck and i crave those bumps in the road
the row left for death but 'back june 6' aileen wuornos
[executed in florida october 8 2002]
sniper shootings in the american east a journey into thin space
right on schedule a war to practice for the next
flagged and littered as yet uncolonized our ancient symbol
more moon in this little hollow than sun
fall virus on the loose 'bugbear' a kigo of sorts in one circle
one-line looked down on i just grin
in the same breath japanese and western haiku confused
a bit of rain for the too-tired-to-water hot pokers
whatta place to begin a gleam in an eye of the deep blue
nothing in its place so long everything's in its place

20 recent links:
darkness floats from the porch onto the land comes back darker
a good soaking strings left on the tomato vine poles
a broken record what i and the deer hold dear as well as the bats
dead pine taller than the sea of autumn
in a folder the poems older than the writer and subject of desire
one of them married well one didn't
so far from this cold snap a bud that'll rise from fallen leaves
morning begins with crackers and a pain pill
fresh-looking monarch for its hope-there's-a-home flight
i live in old clothes a comfort in the old hills i live in
a steady rain another woman killed by a man for the detectives
collateral damage their days are numbered
one dang nuisance holiday gone a few more weird ones to go
too cool for the garden i wash last night's salad bowl
a 3rd blanket unpacked and spread out a carolina wren's quick note
a grasshopper's sudden flight perhaps not to itself
anti-war/peace petition i sign and go on as if nothing happened
in line beside the barbed-wire a baby comes out in a taxi
comb it doesn't mean a 'comb' shape on an ancient she-sculpture
what's become of the katydids tuned to the air of night

22 recent links:
'atlantis' returns to earth an autumn glow on the toadstools
fog chooses a few colors to wrap around
lost in ridge mist the boundary tree white pine or maybe hemlock
on the ground from on high one fell swoop
'nature whispers to me 'welcome home' i am so happy'
[japanese woman recently released from north korea]
way past the patchy fog a maple in process
stacked in a corner of an odd rectangle computer paintings
loneliness of the studio where the mind is full
pretty darn dull to know what tomorrow's creativity would be
poems written in red just the last 21 years
a little bit of this & a little bit of that soon add up to not much
no chance to say goodbye the sniped woman
a holier-than-thou pope protects the holier-than-thou pedophiles
breaking news breaks for 'dude you're getting a dell'
[computer ad]
thrown into the mix we'd have to kill saddam's crazy sons too
no nine lives within the redwood
after the pot bust feet of the undercover agents held to the fire
trial run of the wood stove and thoughts that go with it
not at all like a good little haiku poet afraid of the coming winter
a mind on spring i can't help it
a childhood of calamine lotion rubbing alcohol and iodine
his find of a gentian almost missed forever


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