marlene mountain
one-line haiku
recent links


these links from 'one-line linked haiku' pieces and 'other rens' in progress.
somewhat dependent on the previous writer's haiku or as in 'other rens' a topic too.
i don't make a distinction between haiku and senryu.


'recent links 2' [16]
clip and wire the unsuspecting pine a bonsai
off the cuff a tattoo of cliques in a clique of blue and red
war of words can anyone on tv pronounce kyoto
owned in some manner by all the seasons though less by autumn
hip-deep in the field a warning to any snakes
in a boat on a polluted lake in the afternoon sun a fishing contest
with no money spent i'm now rich
run aground forever and a day oil tanker
in my legs what i can't do yesterday today tomorrow what i can do
after rain possessed by the color orange
even without hollywood the family values of adam & eve questionable
an appetizer she has the preying mantis head
no holds barred the club owner views ewing's blow-job
from a rain forest the plane soars with coke
dust-covered copier where original thoughts evolved
with so many symptoms who needs an illness


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