marlene mountain
one-line haiku
recent links
gathered february
18 recent links:
if winter's an old man old woman spring's tired of his tales
friends in a front-wheel drive into a hermit's life
their journey from elaborate tunnels to cages in the caribbean
stockholders of enron left on the brooklyn bridge
thanksgiving & columbus among the dates i refuse to acknowledge
two-inch daffodil sprouts not likely to tame this shrew
piles of leaves hand-raked from the primrose patches by the path
a quiet evening a few red walls in a red house somehow fitting
loyalty to one's right-or-wrong country the only brainwashing allowed
the marilyn imitators lost in the same garb she couldn't lose
with no bin laden the american demonized and rushed to judgment
time for a gop scandal in the oil fields onshore
winter off track what will these early buds get for their effort
computer break leaves raked from nature icons
tubers heaved during the cold guided into their new mud
neglected the rough road farther into nature rougher
in a rare blue mood the commercialism of groundhogs rears its head
no walk in the park a poem's cold reflection
20 recent links:
everyday haiku some of winter rubs off in a short string of words
'i love them both roberta long and short haiku'*
*a 'dadaku' from the mid-70s [based on an ad]
clear and frigid a sky reaches into the ground where daylilies live
end of january daffodils no longer in the picturebook
the promise of spring no doubts that mother nature's word is good
neighbor's brush fire blackens the pale land
a mossy stone slips into the pond newts paddle to the sunny edge
can't wait to plop in the dirt and weed
beneath the good old boy image beats the smirk of a control freak
is this the year of its fall that monument to men
not lonesome except a good debate about something worldly
between the boy and the girl sophie's choice made me cry
pregnant wife of american hostage danny says take me instead
though 'war is hell'
oh my knees enclosed by a winter of the daybed blues
dissolved completely leaves of the hydrangea
along with the efts/newts scum of the earth and the little pond
in tune with the sky what's left of hominid values
without a soul to burn the mystery of deeply-rooted odds & ends
little by little the same old rebirth in the flower patch
18 recent
plans for the foxgloves on hold while nature dallies in february
'too cold to snow' white-looking stuff sneaks through
out of the blue a pink sky with all the trimmings disappears
lots of things alive in the computer painting
'the great outdoors' wanders in just as i'm ready to wander out
under the pine a moss nest to the touch
unsettling this long stretch between the rake and the trowel
when the yellow comes yellow will be good too
will he or won't he the new cold war heats up the blues of winter
do-gooders give sweeping orders to shoot and mop up
it's a doggerel's life in a mad mad etc world of infinite wisdom
yak yak yak on tv while the land gets a good soaking
the elsewhere i'd like to live just a hop and a skip as the crow flies
a bit too much art to the art to be much of an art
votive pots with breasts and beaks from a cultivated culture
a life made from scraps of this and that
on a roll toward spring too many of us to list individually
never-ending the iris's need to multiply purple
18 recent links:
frenzy in the shallow pond as more frogs come out of nowhere
almost in my second childhood i wish
blown from the truck bed debris headed for the compost heap
true love as the forsythias heat up
in three pair of nature-go-to-meeting clothes i go meet nature
down the road their irises with more warm air
new alert the attorney general accused of crying a 4-legged animal
there's considerable more to fear than fear itself
no idea what lurks in my mind until the idea's painted nor even then
flag-burning part of the allegiance
old poems he denied posted to correct the myth created without
passed off as art a senryu-sounding thing
beneath t-shirt and corduroys and boots just his self in sight
the freedom to pull down and pee in the valley
a game of 'go' even though i lose i give it just one more try
so many women killed so many crime shows to prove it
tied to the hoeless handle asters planted in partial shade
a warm snap two prescriptions will have to wait
16 recent links:
tattered pampas grass clings to the tattered wind at dusk
after an afternoon in the dirt a weird movie
a chill in the valley turns cold a pileated all i saw or cared to see
the patch-to-be defined by old bricks
art by a mouse a dream home and trees and a moon and flowers
will someone in japan throw up on the younger
the mail carrier's thank you on yesterday's thank you note
lucky to be tired
cloudy day in the little pond more bull than frog
to get there i hoe the road that gets me there
last day of mothering crazy of course mother yates
a crackdown on religion rather than nature
a plan if it's cold just plain scatterbrained if it's almost 50
young and unattached a crone and unattached
i forgot to look for the moon but know it's around the bend
inside for the day where everything seems small
12 recent links:
the pond skims with sunlight a bud here and there in the breeze
in need of paint the painting idea
clutter of paper so much past surrounds a nothing-special present
ragged blue straight through the pampas grass
toward a more perfect police state called democratic for the world
drunk on power dubya's 'kenny boy' takes the 5th
can i make it there and back before mother nature's next course
bachelors please the eggs laid elvira's left the pond
priest's 30 years 'privilege' with at least 130 underprivileged boys
[john geoghan, first sentence 9-10 years in prison, 3 mandatory]
not enough lately those who twist in the wind
the first crocus flares orange in the quiet of a late afternoon walk
yesterday's tiredness dissolves into a new day
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