marlene mountain
painting series 20
'home away from home'
exhibition statement and titles


home away from home

"Home Paintings' and 'home away from home'
My home my womb my nest for twenty years--yet to move to the valley: to nest there. A wish unable to happen or just waiting to happen. To paint it out to paint it in. To close off the world to start all over there or to close off the dream to start all over here.

'home away from home' 5 paintings w/curtains. 8 x 4 feet---looking for 5 homes in the area to housesit the 'homes.' Must have 8 1/2 foot ceilings. Can you homesit a 'home'? Due to a sluggish economy these 'homes' may be placed on the market. Please contact my realtors. 2000 per acre.
9/16/91 [I'm kidding of course]

painting series twenty
home away from home
september-october 1991 (5 paintings, w/curtains, rods, locks, dolls,
96 x 48"; haiku in 3" letters)

1) my body my home the world falling apart
2) what have i come to i've begun to want what i can't have
3) hard to hold back dreams of a new nest
4) so few places for honest nature
5) best i can do perceived moments through crone eyes

book 'home away from home'

Hard To Find, Valle Crucis North Carolina October 19-November 1 1991
[double exhibition with 'Home Paintings' 1981 series]

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